I recived this from my friend today. "You know, I said we would talk and I meant it. But...
Maybe I should give a little back story
Anne91, , Depression, Anger, Anxiety, Career, Depression, Domestic Abuse, Therapist, 0My previous post I was thinking because I am about to make a big move and up until now...
Where is the line between being ok alone and dangerous isolation?
Steph_jn, , Depression, Addiction, Anxiety, Child, Medication, Relationships, Sleep Disorders, Suicide, Therapist, Weight Loss, 1When you change, and start doing things in a different way or start feeling differently towards certain things….its not...
Long story short my parents are trying to put my boyfriend in jail for an accident because they don't...
DigiPhoto, , Depression, Addiction, Anxiety, Child, Depression, Domestic Abuse, Eating Disorder, Obesity, Relationships, Self Esteem, Sleep Disorders, Social Anxiety, Stress, Therapist, 1So I think I should probably start going more into detail about myself. I mean I've feel as if...
Exercise can improve your mood…
lonelyinnepa, , Depression, Depression, Medication, Therapist, Therapy, Weight Loss, 2Exercise can improve your mood…i think it's true. i have to say the two days i worked out this...
well it's Tuesday afternoon, so i will be getting ready for group therapy tonight at 6 p.m.. it's really...