welp, my mom took some sort of an interest day and asked me why im not talking to benji...
Panic attacks holding me back :(
LittlePete83, , Anxiety, Anxiety, Career, Medication, Parenting, Relationships, Spirituality, Therapist, 0<<When do your attacks happen?>> My attacks mostly all happen when I'm faced with going to a new...
About ten years ago, if anyone would have asked, I would have told them I had in increadibly blessed...
It never goes away does it?
dreamer101, , Anxiety, Anxiety, Child, Medication, Sleep Disorders, Social Anxiety, Therapist, Therapy, 0The anxiety. I've prided myself on thinking I've gotten over it. For someone who had extreme levels of social...
Why is that good things don’t seem to last. I offically enjoyed one day of feeling good after coming...
Yesterday, at kinky figure drawing, Mags and I stepped out for a cigarette. On the way back in a...
Dear Dad
fallen_paradise, , Depression, Addiction, Anger, Anxiety, Child, Domestic Abuse, Questions, Relationships, Sleep Disorders, Stress, Suicide, Therapist, 0Who are you? I see your face, even if for a few minutes throughout the day. I...
I’ve been at school 3 days, it’s been really hard, real shitty. I know that education is important, but...
Psychiatry: A Racket For The Bad Doctors
kwhite521, , Anxiety, Anxiety, Depression, Medication, Therapist, 1There are some good psychiatrists out there, of this I have little doubt. I'm certain it is only a...