Well its going to be a year now since I was first diagnosed HIV positive, and even better at...
Tomorrow is my birthday. I've tried this entire month to become someone else than who I am. Be that...
So, I'm finally gonna do it. I never thought it'd have to come to this but I have done...
I'm feeling a lot better today. Probably wasn't a great time to write my first blog post when I...
The Getting Help Process
BeBeautiful, , OCD, Anxiety, Career, Depression, Medication, OCD, Therapist, Therapy, 0Sorry if you've read my blogs and are confused by my rambling posts from awhile ago. I wanted to...
The power of knowing you're not alone
TessErin, , Depression, Anxiety, Depression, PTSD, Therapist, 0This is all I managed to put together for January. It is most likely due to the fact day-to-day...
Nasty Friend+OCD=inner turmoil…
ashleyheather, , OCD, Anxiety, Questions, Social Anxiety, Stress, Therapist, Weight Loss, 5Her name, which we shall alter, will be "the red head". The red head is one of my best...
I had a therapist video appointment yesterday. I fessed up on everything. On having cut myself and relapsing over...