Quarantine was terrifying for me at the beginning. Next week will begin my 6th week in quarantine. I have been inside my house with my thoughts and my family for almost 6 weeks. In the beginning, I thought I was going to go insane. As a general rule for my mental wellbeing, I do not allow myself to be inside the house without going somewhere for more than a day at a time. I may occasionally take a day to spend inside for self-care, but more than one day is typically damaging for me. Naturally, the thought of staying inside made my anxiety shoot through the roof. The anxiety that my depression would come back with a vengeance, anxiety that my anxiety would be bad, anxiety just for anxiety’s sake. I have been fighting a battle inside my head and body to combat that. What works for me may not work for everyone, but these are things that have helped me. I have used this time for self-care and self-love. This time has been wonderful for me. I have been building skills, working on my mental and physical health, and truly thriving. Some days are still just about survival. Some days I thrive, other days I survive. Every day I remember that I am doing the best I can.

      1. I am up by 9 am every weekday. Monday through Friday I am awake by 9 am and out of bed. Some days I am up earlier, but I am sure to be awake every day by 9 am. Weekends I allow myself to sleep in some, but I usually am still up by 9 am.
      2. I am dressed every day. Usually, every day after I get up, I get dressed in something different from what I wore to sleep in. This just has to be something different from my sleepwear. Some days it is just a different pair of sweats. That’s okay in my head. As long as I have the feeling of wearing something new. Being dressed for me also includes doing my hair.
      3. Downloading positivity apps. I have two apps I use. One sends me “I am” statements three times a day, the other sends motivational quotes three times a day. It’s just nice to look at a super positive notification.
      4. Having a routine, but not forcing it. I have a routine for going to bed every day. This starts at around 8 pm. This isn’t necessarily a “Schedule” where I force myself to do the same things, just more of a suggestion. I like to have that routine so I can tell my body it’s bedtime. Since I have been inside all day it makes it easier to wind down.
      5. Go outside. I don’t mean I am going outside for as long as some people “recommend”. Some days I just go out to get the mail and then go back in. Some days I go outside and breathe for a few minutes. Some days I go for a full walk or a drive with fresh air. It doesn’t matter. As long as I am going outside.
      6. Do something active. Again, this doesn’t have to be a full-on work out routine. This could be doing your dishes. This could mean organizing your pantry. As long as I am standing for the activity, I am fine with it. I have loved cooking lately. Also yoga. These things don’t mean a hard-hitting workout. Just that your body has done something active.

Again, these things may work for me but not for you. They’re just things that I have been doing that have helped me so so much. You can take the things that I have done and tweak them to work for you.

  1. ronnie16 4 years ago

    I’m so glad you’re doing well and sharing this with others! As someone who is also on a self-care journey through anxiety, it’s good to know there are others who are experiencing positivity and finding a groove that works for them.

    0 kudos
  2. marlou 4 years ago

    I’m glad you’re doing well during this difficult times. It is really hard to cope with things these days. I’m definitely struggling with my anxiety and finding your post and tips have been a ray of sunshine. I’m going to put some of them into practice. Thank you for sharing!
    I’m starting a self-care journey as well, been doing it for just a couple of days but I already feel better with myself. I know it’s a long road to follow but for now, I hope for the best. Thanks again for sharing. I wish the best for you all.

    0 kudos

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