Just came from leaving my parents in the airport,after 2 month it is time for them to go back home. Its funnyhow i thought 2 months withmy parents would be too much to deal with andnow i look back at how fast time has past. We had some fun moments and i wasnt alone and lonely everytime which is a good thing and im also very thnkfull for that. I also made some progress with my depression in these 2 months. I just hope i dont get back at low point again, im going to do my best.
Most of thetime when we haveto leave we cry alot but today when they left i didnt even cry, they didnt either. It was like i see you soon and everything will be alright.

Now back at home everything seems so quiet so lonely andso sad. Im not going back to th old all thetime depressed me. Im going to try to keep holding like i did these 2 months. I realise my family isnt that bad after all and that we canhave some good times even when i feel it isnt going to be like that. Thats my depression sef thinking. Tomorrow im going out to help  a niece of mine , she is planning a saint nikolaas party with the kids with presents etc. She asked if we could help her so me and my sister are going. Im not going to stay in amenting i dont have friends, im not happy and that im alone. Im going out and enjoy the little things, because even the little things in life matters it doesnt have to be winning the lottery. Im going to try to not get too depressed again. I hope my parents are having a nice flight and that nothing bad happens, safe trip.

To all who is reading and getting this far, never give up things arent always what they seem. Have a good day-night and many hugs and good wishes to all of you.



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