I had to find music to put on, to fill out the "Music" section. Amusing.


So far, today… i've been out the house (YAY. i guess?), with Tasha (the dog) and we went around the hill. On my travels, an old gentleman wished me good-day, and said that i was a little foggy. I agreed in good humour, not often people go out of their way to talk to me. Groundsmen were digging more holes in the crematorium grounds, seems people are not immortal after all. I took pictures of random things, but i believe they came out blurry… this is the side effect of a camera phone and a dog wanting to press on. Dogs need to have greater interest in photography methinks. On the way there (and back), i saw a strange girl wearing a white knitted beanie hat. At first she was breaking branches off a tree, but not in a destructive way, almost like she was pruning it. She had this distracted look on her face, but i'm not ready to talk to random people. On the way home, she was sitting on wall staring out to space. I tried to make some noise going past, talking to the dog, scuffing my feet, hoping to make eye contact with her… but she didn't bite. Her world is much more engrossing it seems, and that bubble around her isn't translucent. Shame.

I rang up college about a digital photography course. After getting through (mis-spelt that three times) he passed on the bad news that it might not be running, not enough people these days are interested in digital photography. Shame. I can wait until September to go on a film photography course… but by then the limited amounts of motivation i have left will have drained.

And that's about it so far. it's 3pm too. 


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