Addiction affects millions of people around the world. How do you know if you’re one of them? Here are ten things that may signal trouble on the horizon:

Concern from Family and Friends
Your friends and family are showing concern for your behavior. They may be seeing something you’re not.

You need more of something to get the same result as a lower dose.

Disregard for Negative Consequence

You are using your drug of choice despite a full knowledge of the consequences.

Withdrawal Symptoms
You begin to experience withdrawal symptoms when you are not using. This means that you are chemically dependent upon your drug of choice. At this point, your body is addicted and calls out for the chemical in its absence. Alcohol withdrawal can be fatal. Do not stop using alcohol abruptly without consulting with a doctor.

Mental Obsession
All you think about is your next fix. At this stage, you’ve likely become not only physical dependent upon your drug of choice, but mentally dependent as well.

Becoming Socially Withdrawn
Addicted individuals routinely withdraw from friends and family, namely for a need to be discreet about their drug use. If you feel the need to hide your behavior, you are either on the path to addiction or you are already there.

Moral Codes Compromised
If you find yourself neglecting ethical reasoning in favor of using, reach out to an addiction counselor or friend.

Old Hobbies Die High
You may find that your hobbies no longer hold the interest they once did. This is a sign that the obsession has becoming all-consuming.

Can’t Stop Using on Your Own
If you’ve tried to stop using on your own and could not, you are addicted. Seek the guidance of a doctor, friend or family member. They can intervene on your behalf.


About The Author:
Steve Lomonaco is the owner ofCasa Bella Recovery International Inc., a luxurious oceanfront drug rehab center located in Laguna Beach, California. Steve and his team of dedicated and trained treatment professionals pride themselves in working with every client individually to create a treatment plan that will best help them heal and grow. He loves meeting and working with new clients and does everything in his power to ensure they make a safe and smooth transition onto the path of recovery.

1 Comment
  1. MikeWilson 10 years ago

    No matter to which drug you are addicted to the symptoms of addiction is more or less similar. Best would be if you talk to someone about the drug you are using.

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