Four and a half months in hospital out of the year. Yeah its serious. I’m here though. My choice is forward and up. Facing each day is a challenge. I’m working on a new way to be. Some days are now better. A little bit better. CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy) is a help. Bit by bit, inching forward.
A letter to my dad
wantingtorunaway, , Depression, Child, Parenting, 0
I hide my feelings out of shame Because it’s seemed like I’ve always been to blame At least in...
26th august
shreedi, , Depression, Relationships, Sleep Disorders, 0
I cant just say my mood is tired, its sad tired and lonely. Also I just wish that I...
Playing the victim
pinkobsession, , Depression, Adoption, Child, Divorce, Domestic Abuse, Emotional Abuse, Parenting, Relationships, 1
It is disturbing to me how so many people play the victim card! Why can’t people find the positive...
Depression dump
Kris.W, , Depression, LGBT, Teens, Lesbian, Gay, LGBTQ, 1
Today hasn’t been good at all :/ I’ve been dissociating all day and really at an all time low....
Ashamed and Scared
sadviolinist, , Depression, Anger, Child, Lesbian, Gay, LGBTQ, Parenting, Questions, Stress, Therapist, 2
I don't even know where to begin today. I'm just completely freaked out and stressed and angry and sad....
revealed65, , Depression, 1
I've learned to hold myself since my brother was diagnosed. I was eight years old. The world suddenly wasn't...
Cling for dear life…
Ellowynne, , Depression, Depression, Mindfulness, 0
I have been circling around for years myself. Wondering, wandering, the strange season of pain seemed to last far...
sadjac, , Depression, Child, 0
Well back again! hope everyone had good holidays. Mine were okay.. I mean just OKAY. Christmas day, when our...