Drug after drug, counseling hours sucking my life away and exposures that make my stomach turn. Do I feel better F no. I'm angry that I'm not happy. I'm tired of trying with no success. How come this isn't working for me. Do I really just have to say this is who I am. I am a unhappy anxiety fill person and all never change. It makes me SICK. What did I get out of this? Well I have enough psychological background now that I should be licensed. So what can I except from my therapist. I'm sure it will be some more BS like…

Fake it till you make it.
Become a mindful person.
Take responsibility for you and you alone.
Stop trying to control things that you have no power over.
Eat well
Deep breath
Get enough sleep
Have fun
be creative
work on exposures
take your meds
build a support system
focus on good not negative.
Blah blah blah blah
Guess what I've done this I still feel like shit. Like the movie really is this as good as it gets.
1 Comment
  1. Epix 11 years ago

     People are always fast to give advice on something they don't understand. 🙁

    0 kudos

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