The dreams dont happen often. I'm thinking it has a lot to do with all that is going on in the world and the fact that i strongly believe (in my own paranoid way) that this whole Bin laden thing is a ruse to divert the american public from something bigger and badder. Why cant i just believe that what they say is true? Is there some kind of underlying trust issue i have somewhere?

Lat nights dream was different. Not one of my regulars. Sitting in my room, i got the impression that i was younger because my parents were there. At least the impression of parents. All of a suddent a large boom, vibration of sorts. TV's phones everything scrambled not working. I run outside to a street filled with smoke. Not knowing what has happened i notice a satalite in the sky and i ask my mom, "Is that satalite really low? or is it just me" And my mother replys with "You know i was just going to say that. "

I run inside because in my dream i KNOW something has fallen from the sky. And this was something that i had KNOWN was going to happen, and no one would listen to me. I rush to the phone to dial 911, of course the phones not working. Try a cell phone…not working… I wake up.

My "sky is falling" dreams are always epicially vivid, filled with feelings and details. And I'm always convinced that it is a true event until i wake up. I overcome with a sense of relief but then begin to wonder why I had the dream in the first place.

So, here I am 3:30am awake, have to be at work in a few hours. Its going to be a really long day.


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