"Carefully we’re placed for our destiny.You came and you took this heartand set it free.Every word you write and sing is so warm to me,so warm to me.I’m torn, I’m torn,to be right where you are.I’m not afraid anymore,I’m not afraid. Forever is a long time,but I wouldn’t mind spending it by your side.Tell me everyday,I get to wake up to that smile…" Gah. I love He Is We. <3

So, how is everyone? Good, I hope.

I've had a tought ime lately. Kinda lapsed into a mini depression spell, caused by a few different things. But I'm pulling myself out. Definately feeling good today. (:

I have quite a few positive things going on in my life at the moment: Been talking to my best friend every day (finally!), FINALLY got to talk to best friend/secret love/most amazing guy ever (he means the world to me, even if he doesn't know/realize it), signed up for weight watchers (GOAL: lose enough weight by the end of the summer get a tattoo and cut my hair offf HELL yes), my mom signed up as well (I'm in desperate NEED of support), and I've just been doing little things that are making me feel very accomplished.

Danzig is amazing. <3

I'm kinda drowing in myself in meditation and recipes and music and just the good feelings of having time to myself, by myself. (I'm NEVER alone. My choice. I get super lonely. But I told myself (and my mom) that'd I stay home by myself and chill this weekend. Yesterday sucked, but today I'm RELISHING in my own time and peace and just all good, gah.)

Anyway, I have a wonderful evening ya'll. 🙂

Blessed be. <3



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