Hey guys…


I am Pangender and A poly pansexual


That was really hard for me to say T^T

My best friend abandoned me when i came out to them and it caused an anxiety attack…

i–I havent came out to my family yet…

they make gay jokes all the time and i dot know how to process it…

Im not sure im going to come out to them for a bit…

anyone have any tips on coming out?

  1. mckennalegg 3 years ago

    You are loved by many people. I’m not so sure about coming out. Are the gay jokes that they make mean or are the just joking around. honestly i would pretend to be making a prank video. like record the whole thing and come out as something that you aren’t. like lesbian for example (idk if you are) and see how they react. if they react rudely show the camera and say it’s a prank. but if they are accepting then tell them the truth. good luck. you are accepted, if not by your parents, then by me. ❤️

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  2. jsdeeb 3 years ago

    Mention a “gay friend of yours” and how they “recently came out to you, and you don’t know how to react”. If they make gay jokes, then print out this article called “Was the joke funny or offensive? Who’s telling it matters” (I can’t put in links). See how they feel about such, and ease your way into your coming out.

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