Midgie flies fly around darting eachother having microscopic orgasms untill they die and reincarnate into a bigger animal or another midge most of the time. it will take billions of years of education before these reincarnate into humand because theres not THAT many humand, they are countable because reincarnation into humans or new soul humans has been abolished for now. when a midge finally earns enough KARMA, which is money, and reincarnates into a human once the abolished law becomes passable again when all humans have been counted and are on the database, the animals with the best karma will reincarnate onto a bigger planet and have wilder orgasms than when they were a midgie. well hopefully anyway.
in turn, the earth will live inside a bigger sphere-escophaphy, that the sex and masturbation and mam feelings and drugs and art and science-of, will be absolutely INSANE so youd better start looking after yourselves and improving your lives before you get reincarnated onto insane orgasm spereosphies dimensions.

most people think there is a pleasure max so they put obstacles of negative snakes in the way of the wank, (even though a LOVE wank IS unlimited), the porn is limited, so watch the worst ones first, even though danny needham likes fucked up porn, we end up never getting to the pleasures like in the soaps on TV. well you wont have a chance to get those pleasures if you accidently reincarnate into the heaven planet like the angel off the scrooge film, thats what you look like there. you wont have a chance to zoom bash into another daft midge before you go somewhere bigger like the heaven planet! we also need to resurrect a hell of a lot of other planets but thats another thing (they want me to say ..”another things only danny needham knows”) but erm… i dont know really? leave a comment

1 Comment
  1. Author
    aloneforevernew 1 year ago

    sorry error, i mean: *the midges will reincarnate into a bigger body*

    0 kudos

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