I’ve been struggling my whole life with depression, and at this point i done even wanna try anymore….       I don’t care what happens at this point i just cant do this anymore. ive been fighting my whole life and i   just don’t see the point to even trying any more…..

  1. norice1960 3 years ago

    I just joined! don’t go yet!

    1 kudos
  2. desijay 3 years ago

    I just stared this tribe I’m new to these support group’s, the story I am here is to gain positive input on related issues we all deal with on a daily base .. 5years ago I dropped Rock Bottom I didn’t want to live anymore after a 12years relationship was over . I started to think as life as not worth living but I fought hard to still be here .. I have accomplished a lot during the battle , I have created with love and passion a meaningful purpose in the aviation Field with lots of determination, dedication, devotion to refocus my bad energy to good .. at times I feel as this feeling of anxiety, depression will never go away , and yes it’s very hard now during this pandemic, but I’m here to continue fighting and help as much as possible.. so the reason why I join this support group is to continue to believe in different outlets in curing and improving my mental health with words of encouragement through light and love

    1 kudos
    • kirstenmackney 3 years ago

      Thank you for joining! Even when people are doing better it is very important to still always have someone there to support you. Hope all is well 🙂

      0 kudos
  3. skybunny 3 years ago

    i understand the feeling, i’ve also been in that position few times.. what’s gotten me through it is thinking about when i can move out and start a new, better life for myself. maybe traveling, seeing my friends more often, or getting a few pets. try to think of something that could be for you and it might make you feel a little bit better. life is hard, it sucks sometimes more than it doesn’t. but don’t give up on yourself! <3

    0 kudos

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