Lately – every day that goes by I feel a little bit stronger than I did the day before.

For once in my life I feel like everything is coming together. Opposed to a month ago when I didn't even want to live. This is such an improvement. I want everyone around me to feel the same way. It's just so amazing to me!

This summer is filled with new adventures. I finally get to go on my trip to Santa Barbara. I paid off my laptop (the one Mike convinced me to get so I would stay off his comp and not find out he was cheating all over the place). I can afford it. I can afford to save money, pay off debt, have a better life. It's awesome! My uncle is coming up from Venzuela at the end of July and staying for 6 weeks. I am so excited to see him. I haven't seen him in 2 or 3 years. For those who don't know about my uncle. He is my shinning star.

Him and my grandmother are my rocks. They keep me grounded and keep me going. The memories of them and conversations with them do. My uncle came out of my family as the "star". He went onto college, got his masters and made his own way. He just stuck to things and got through it in the end. While doing things that he loved. About 10 years ago he was diagnosed with Lou Gherigs disease. For those who don't know what it is.. it's a fatal disease that slowly shuts down your nerve system till you die. They gave my uncle 8 years to live. He didn't let that stop him from living his life. He's lived passed what they expected – so anytime I spend with him is a treasure to me. Same with my grandmother. She keeps pushing me to be a better person and accomplish my goals. To be a person worth knowing and living for. Those two are my saviors in life. 

So anyways, he's going to be in Cali for 6 weeks and I get to see him. Which I will probably take a day or two off of work just so I can spend extra time with him. 

I'm just so excited to have a life now. Save money, go on small trips, buy things, be my own person. It's so wonderful. Meanwhile having people around me who love me and support me. 


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