My level of frustration is extremely high today! Usually I take things in stride (which I realize is odd with having anxiety) but every now and then reality hits me like a ton of bricks. I'm good at pushing difficult things out of my mind, and temporarily distracting myself from things. The problem with that is that it doesn't solve anything. It wastes time, but eventually everything comes full circle and I'm forced to acknowledge problems that I'd rather forget about. Today is one of those days. As much as I'd love to just distract myself, the truth of the pain I feel is very, very strong today. I'm sad. Just downright sad. I'm not desperate, or hysterical or anything like that, but I'm very down. I feel emotionally, spiritually, and physically weak right now. Life can be hard, and I know it can always get better, but somedays are more difficult than others. I don't know what the next step is that I should take, and I feel alone.I know that I'm not alone, but it's how I feel right now. I feel like things won't get better, even though I know logically that they will. Anything can improve if you work enough at it. I've proven this to myself time and time again. It just takes that motivation to get up and fix things. I live my life by the phrase "Live and Let Live." If someone is happy with never leaving the house, and it works for them, go for it. It's YOUR life. However, I'm not. I don't leave the house anymore, but it's not how I WANT things to be. And only I can fix this. I need to start driving again. I need to just suck it up and get over my issues and get my life back. This is getting ridiculous now. I know that I can do great things, and I'm tired of hiding myself away instead of embracing the life I've been blessed with. Today though, I'm going to take it easy. It's been an emotional week for reasons I won't get into, and I need to just chill out and relax a little.

1 Comment
  1. addi76 12 years ago

    Don't wait for the day you are feeling ok to start your rehabilitation as it will never come. Start now slow steps! I too suffer some 'bad' days with anxiety but generally I am an easy going person (or so the world thinks). At present my anxiety is higher than normal and i have no idea why.. things are actually very good for me. Get your head round that! Good luck

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