Decided to take Marley up to the school oval… the school was having a fair so inside the school was full of kids and different sounds, we rocked up and he refused to ge out of the car…lol no amount of treats, happy voices, toys or me running away would get him out of that So there was a young boy there running around with his dog and I ask him if he could bring his dog over for a little bit then run off with his dog… It work… all in all it took us 15 minutes to get him out of the car lol took us a while to get him onto the oval, you could tell her really wanted to go play with the other dog but he just got so scared and kept dropping to the floor, we walked around half the oval…. slowly lol didnt get to play with the other dog, it left before Marley got a little more confident, but after about 20 minutes of practically crawling and dropping to the floor… we got jogging and it looked like he was having some fun with all the smells. Towards the end we got good, I think once he gets better, he could be let off the leash, he has absolutely no desire to be away from me and when he panics he just drops (which is good)

Later last night we took him for another walk out the front to see if we could get any further, we got about 6 houses down before some one started their harley and it scared him, but it looks like we're getting there, slowly but surely.

Then last night mum and I went to grandma's for dinner, when we got back… oh you should have seen the the inside of a bear was every where, a stolen pillow was stripped, a slipper, paper… photo paper 🙁 oh it looked like he had a ball with it all, the mess filled up the bin lol oh it was funny.

This morning to wake me up…. he crawled up next to me and then he must of like just released his upper body and plonked it on my gut… oh I was almost winded lol.

Well is overall timidness is getting better, which is good and he is settling in rather well… maybe too well, theiving things right infront of me now lol and will sit there and look at me while its in his mouth… hahahaha


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