So I’m new here and I thought it would be good to share a bit about myself and maybe make friends with others who are also going through stuff too.  I recently (about two and a half months ago) got out of the psych ward. It was a very shitty experience to say the least but it opened the door for me to get more mental health help and for it to be known to my family that I’m having real issues. I was staying at my mother and stepdads before going there, they had been refusing to allow me to see a therapist or anything and over time it wore me down more and more till some time in the spring of this year I attempted suicide and as you can see by this message failed in my attempt. My parents never knew about my attempt(s). They were of the view that it was demonic in nature and wanted me to see some person about exorcism among things, and wanted me to fast and do a variety of things. That’s all fine and dandy because I shared some similar religious views as them on certain things but when they neglected my mental health and made me feel like a “demon possessed/offlicted” person instead of looking at the circumstances of our life and supporting me then I just drew into myself and kept it all to myself. What’s the point of sharing if I’m going to be made to feel like shit? So I kept it bottled and it got worse and worse. This all pushed me to suicide, along with a number of other things that are too personal to share. At this point my dad (who I’m staying with) said if I cant get a job before February then I’m going to have to move back in with them. Like hell that’s going to happen, I’ll be quite literally dead before i live with them again so I’m gonna be applying but since I’ve been “homeschooled” since 8th grade (I’m pretty much a drop out) and I dont have even a GED the places I want to apply to wont accept me. I have social anxiety issues so the other options for work are a no go since they all require me to deal with people all day in the ghetto. I’d rather not deal with people in my area, my grandma and two aunts have had guns drawn on them several times.

Now beyond all my mental and life shizzy wizzy I’m a furry femboy who is in between being asexual and bisexual. Dont know what else to say here so deuces my pals.‌

1 Comment
  1. jamie1996 4 months ago

    I am glad that you are getting some help. There is a lot to love about this life even if at times it seems hopeless. Hang i there and find the better times and plzces. You can get there.

    1 kudos

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