Hello, everyone. My name (for now) is Cory Afton Blake Grey and I am a 14 year old trans boy who suffers from depression, anxiety, panic disorder, and anorexia. I hope that even though I’m “broken” I can help some of you reading this. I will try to post daily blogs if I can. I know this sounds so stereotypical and shit but let me at least say this. I wish happiness for everyone okay? I’m willing to help whom ever needs it. Idk where I’m going with this. I’ll try to post daily yes?

Stay yourself okay? I believe in you all of you. I may have no followers right now but maybe I will one day. Maybe I’ll just be another teenager who is just here. Putting his thoughts out there hoping to help someone. Either way I’m going to explore this website a bit more. So bye for now.  😊

1 Comment
  1. breaking-free-866 5 years ago

    Hello 🙂 my name’s Jessie, I’m 16 and I have anorexia too as well as ADD and Asperger’s (high functioning autism). I guess i’m going quite downhill again with the ED stuff – though everyone thinks I’m doing pretty much great. I also hope you’re doing good, alright or at least alright-ish. You’ve helped me by writing this – i feel very alone at the moment, and i’m kind of glad i’m not the only one struggling/have struggled with that stuff.

    0 kudos

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