This is an Easter Blessing to all my friends and to all the ocd tribe.  I see so much negatism and I want to send a positive note from this wonderful time when Christ died to give us life. As I thought today how could someone not believe. Just the thought that our world was based on  B,C and A,D.   Now I know B.C. was before Christ and that's proof enough for someone to believe, Christ was there then and our time frame again came after his death so, so much evidence of Him.  There has been also so much fightings over the Christian belief and now even America is trying to suppress the Christian belief.  Why the fight? Maybe because the Christian belief is the one true belief.  As Jesus said " I Am the Way , the Truth , and the Life , No one comes to  the Father but by Me."  I have gone through my life with many hardships, but He has still opened his arms to me. How do I know, because when I just talk about Him my heart is so full of love, hope, faith.  I have dealt with demons, and have overcome as Jesus blood covers all sins, resist the devil and he will flee. I have rebuked the devil because of his attacks as I lived alone for many years and studied Gods Word, the devil would try to make me uncomfortable especially in the night time as I always was afraid when I was a little girl of the dark.  So from this from all that I have gone through even my own cancer, hurts, degradation from others, sins, I have overcome only through His love for me.  His love is for all of us as He has prepared a place for us one day in Heaven when all of our pain will be gone.  My wish for all of the tribe is that you find His peace and love within your hearts and hope comes to you for a new beginning not only in this life but for your future life with Him. God Bless through Christ,   Babs

1 Comment
  1. StephenLeaver 16 years ago

    Yeah, It will great when we all of us no longer have ocd!

    0 kudos

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