So today was shot day and i went to the clinic without taking my anxiety pills since the clinic is only 7 minutes away from home i thought i should start going out to places this near with out the pull.anyways I was nervous but i did it and made it out of the clinic alive 😉 but what came next was unexpected for me. After my mom and i got out of the clinic and into the car my mom told me we where going to a shopping store 45 minuest away from home. I thought “im not going to make it home alive” i kind of freaked becauase at that distance i take my anti anxiety pills but this time i decides to be as brave as i could be and not take them untill we arrived to the atore. So aftwr 45 minutes of panicking a little i made it to the store and when i got there i still didnt take the pills. I wanted to make it home with out taking anything. I even went to another store i wanted to go and i bought stuff. Than we headed home and still didnt take the pills 🙂 i was a little anxious but it wasnt tuat bad maybe becauae thia waa unexpected and disnt thought about it tje day before. Once more i proved that if i think abiut things that scare me ahead of time obsessively panic attacks and lots of anxiety happen. If i just do stuff that scare me with out overthinking it nothing happens 🙂 i now know that is all in my head and its up to me to be strong enough to not listen to my thoughts 🙂 gosh i went 45 minutes away from home without taking my pills how cool is that 🙂 🙂 😀
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I would call that Success, Progress and all good things wrapped into one. Congrats !!!!! It was not easy I\'m sure but it gives encouragement to the rest of us.
Well done!!! I hope this is enough proof for you to know that anxiety can be conquered. For most of us, the worst part of the anxiety is all the stuff we sit and think about and make up so many scenarios about what could happen if we do something. Overthinking. I\'ve tried something new lately try and think more like others who do go much further, like flying across the world on their own. It\'s not so much about wanting to be them, it\'s more about realizing that there is mindsets. We are able to change our perspectives and thoughts with practice and with work, but it is very doable. So happy you had a good day. 🙂
SO amazing! Doing things on a whim seems to work well for you, so as your trying to challenge your panic attacks keep this in mind. I was the same way, I was much more successful if I tried scary things on a whim. This is really common because when we plan things ahead of time, it gives our imagination time to run wild…so by the time we get to the actual situation we have already re-lived that situation (fearfully) in our head 100 times, so we are primed to react fearfully when the time comes. Eventually, it even gets easier to do planned things. If your mom doesn\'t already know, maybe let her in on what\'s going on and she can be your support person and help you with leaving the house when you get that surge of motivation. Congrats again, I hope you\'re proud, it takes a lot of courage.
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