Going through anxiety never been as tough as it’s been now . now i get these scary heart racing panic attacks that make me feel like i’m sick or something is wrong with me , and it’s really nothing . i go to therapy & it’s cool & all but sometimes i wish it was a friend.

  1. mrteaowl 9 months ago

    You have trouble with things, but there isn’t anything wrong with you. They are responses of things you’ve felt, and you are trying to protect yourself. Therapy, friends, random strangers, and random learning helps us understand the feelings we go through. I go through anxiety that I just find a way to avoid things. It has become a problem of my day to day. Just know you are not alone, and always find a way to speak. If you would ever like to talk to a random stranger, just message me if you’d like.

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  2. jamie1996 8 months ago

    I guess we all have those feelings at one time or another. That doesn’t mean I am dismissing your pain. It is very real and it sucks. There is no easy answer how to fix us but I have to say that all anyone ever needs is one true friend. Yes lots of friends are great but I am talking about that one who really gets you. The one you can open up your darkest secrets and not get judged. What you get from that one true friend is encouragement and support and a nice long hug. Just one, that is all you need.

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