I am not sure… I am not sure about pretty much anything now a days…

Before I wanted to live a life that's not bound by chains…

I remember when I was about 13 years old… I thought about this image… with an angel trapped in darkness, staring at a glimpse of distant light…

He was bound in chains… but I knew then that one day he would get out…

There I made my name thefreed and I kept it for quite sometime now…

My quest for a higher conciousness and freedom from this society… brought me to a rather unusual road… With unusual problems…

I guess people are destined to live bound by chains… To be bound mentally and spiritually…

Our experiences… our learnings makes us the person we are today… Everything were interested about… that we like to think about… It's in our heads…

We essentially get programmed… and I don't think there's a way out of it.

Out of this cycle of thinking… no matter how diverse different people's thinkings are… it's no use if were all bounded in our own conscious… Unable to see something higher…

No matter how much I think… find out problems about the world… I can't help but think that I am still bound in my "ways"… In this chains that I strove so hard to break… and be free from…

Like a bird, free to travel the skies whenever and wherever… looking at all the world around him.

As I continue this journey throughout what we call life… I can't help but think that the real monsters aren't in fantasies… but it's humans that are the real monsters.

If we were living in a world where hunger was rampant… and that money was few and far between… and most of the child by the age 16 has experienced killing… then would we still be emotional at the thought of killing somebody?

If we lived in a completely different environment with different values… Would we behave differently? Think of different things as attractive… and maybe think of completely opposite things as virtues?

This makes me question… Good and evil… What is evil anyway? what is good then…

I talked to my dad awhile ago… Who I haven't seen for awhile now… I really love him… Ever since I was young, I had this fear that my dad would die before I really got to know him…

I came to America when I was around 9… only with my mom, leaving the world that I grew so fond of… and experienced a lot of different things…

If I stayed in Korea… or went to a different country… I probably would've ended up very differently than the man I am now.

If we all got to meet each other… I wonder how the conversation would go…

All I am essentially doing right now… is dropping a droplet of my mentality… Onto the river and then onto the sea…

Maybe if I do it enough… my mentality… will become part of society later on… part of normal thoughts…

We are really one in a sense… if that one can hurt and deceive each other…

Aldous Huxley once said… We never love enough…

This is true I think… Our time on this earth is too little… but so significant.

Our journey throughout is an epic of the epics… It's the greatest story that was never recorded onto a book.

The books try to imitate life… but it never will… Cause it's simply too complex for words…

Words will never justify life.

The other day when I saw fantastic planet… I learned quite a few things…

I learned that we shouldn't ignore the animals and think we are higher than them… because they have a life on their own…

I always thought that no animals should ever be caged…

There is also a scene where a caged monster kinda thingy… gets out his arms like a branch, cage a bird flying by and kill it.

I thought it was kind of ironic that a caged monster is himself caging another animal… I thought it was kind of symbolic of how we were.

Then the draags who were of governmental status… of how they were ignoring the humans… and thinking they were inferior and not really intelligent… Not really caring for the lives that they had…

It really made me think that I shouldn't act like a know it all and that I should be humble…

Humble at all times… I should only be confident when the situation demands it…

When liberty is taken away by force it can be restored by force. When it is relinquished voluntarily by default it can never be recovered.

– Dorothy Thompson

Have we already religuished it?


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