It's been a full week now since my Uncle passed. The service on Saturday was beautiful but sad of course. He had served in WWII so the Honor Guard came in and presented a flagto my Aunt for his service to his country. Then the bugle played Taps and I fell apart. Still, the service was comforting and wonderful to have someone who knew him so well do the eulogy. 🙂

My husband and I almost had a nasty fight Saturday morning. He woke up claiming to be sick and I was SO mad at him! Obviously he wasn't going to the service with me and once again leaving me alone during a very hard time. He did this to me when my step-dad passed away several years ago. He didn't claim sick, just tried to be as emotionally unavailable as possible.

As I sat in that pew and cried my anger just swelled. Was he really that sick? He seemed to be doing better that night but still not 100 percent himself. After taking his temperature myself I found that he was running a fever, so a lot of the anger melted away.

I just feel really sad and lonely in my grieving. I don't want to have to go through this on my own.

But I will give him this ~ this morning he wanted to drive down to the funeral home to say his goodbyes and honor my Uncle. I was proud of him, and for once we stood together and cried about our loss. It felt good to be able to cry openly together.

Tonight I'm really worn out so I'm going to call it a night.

1 Comment
  1. Andie372 11 years ago

     Sorry you're going through this sadness.  There's nothing to do but allow yourself to be sad and feel all the feelings.  Time will ease the hurt.  Cliche, I know, but true.

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