1. garfunkal 4 years ago

    hi, i’m sorry to sound ignorant, but can you please explain what pansexual means? I come from a time where we used to say, “gay, bi, straight or transexual” there are so many different ways people describe their sexuality now, it’s confusing

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  2. Author
    marinette 4 years ago

    its ok. pansexual means i love everyone despite race, religion,sexualitiy and gender

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  3. wisecrackingwaffles 4 years ago

    Hello, Friend!
    I am sorry to hear that you are going through a difficult time.
    Good for you about being proud of being pan-sexual!

    Everyone is different. Don’t feel bad about that. If we were all alike, the world would be a sad and boring place. We need you!

    Please understand that you do not need a partner to be happy. I used to believe that I was no good unless I had a romantic partner, and I was miserable. You are a wonderful person with or without a significant other!

    But that doesn’t mean it’s wrong to want someone special to be part of your life. That is a perfectly wonderful desire. You can’t rush things though. Eventually, you will meet someone who is right for you, who appreciates your heart and love.
    In the meantime, try meeting others on places like this, online dating platforms, or even local LGBT+ groups.

    Don’t give up! And don’t settle for anyone who doesn’t appreciate how wonderful you are.


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