This is going to be short. When I write blogs, I do not expect nor require comments. I don’t expect sympathy. I simply do this to get my thoughts out. Sorry if this offends anyone.

The last comment I recieved :

You are absolutely right in being afraid to call the alcohol counsellor. I hope she rails your ass about slipping. Apparently you don’t care THAT much otherwise you wouldn’t have been drinking when you wrote that OR right now… whenever it is that you read this!!!

What do you expect anyone to say (?) other than, "You caused this yourself. You were weak. If you don’t stop drinking you will die, and if you drive, you will probably kill others along with you you idiot. No different than if you don’t stop eating so much you will die of congestive heart failure, clogged arteries, or maybe a stroke? Wouldn’t that be nice to have people spoon feeding your slack mouth as you lay in bed unable to move???
Well, you always wanted to lose weight!!!

Christ, I cannot believe some people. Come on to get sympathy when they really need a swift kick in the ass, and a very good reality check!

I’m not going to deny that I need a kick in the ass, nor will I deny anything that you have put into this comment. I’m not going to fight you on any of the points you have put into this comment.

I can’t, however, have comments like these right now. It may seem weak, or trying to hide, and that may be the case. In light of this, I have had to make my profile private and only friends can comment on my blogs.. I never wanted to have to do this, but this comment has really shook me up, and I don’t know what else I can do.



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