Remembering songs triggers so many memories and emotions. Today, thanks to my new friend and kindred spirit, NoChance, music has transformed my day 🙂 Please stop by my page and view/listen to the video, "You'll Never Walk Alone"

It is a beautiful day — so sun shiny. Years ago, when my son was about 3 years old, we were riding in the car on a day much like today — I can still see him sitting in the front seat, holding his little action figures — he said, "It's a proud, proud day mama. It's a proud, proud day." It was a precious moment — so sweet, so tender!

I'm so grateful that the "sense of desperation" seems to be leaving my soul — a slow retreat, but definitely a retreat. I'm trying to bask in the moment, not worry about how long it will last, etc and all the other garbage that dumps on my parade in the rain — it's still my parade dammiteven if it is in the rain!

Just cut up several kiwis and poured "Maple Farms of Vermont" wasabi dijon dressing over them. Try it sometime — it is so good! My nephew, a college freshman, recently had an art project — he had to paint a complex fruit  —we (my family) made fruit suggestionsI, but no one in my family remembered the kiwi (dang it). The kiwi is such a beautiful fruit below it's skin. Lot like us humans — the skin, the outside layer, is kinda blah — but, man, when you get to the inside, watch out, cause you're going to find some mighty fine fruit

I'm still struggling with being stuck in inability. But I did just make a pot of coffee in my special, little antique perculator — I did just cut up a kiwi — I'm posting a blog — I did get out of bed — I did take my dog out for a walk so he could empty his little bladder —DAMN, I'M GOOD. Folks, we's got to say it to ourselves — we can't wait for someone else to say it to us. I'm preaching to myself too — FOLKS, BE YOUR OWN BEST ADVOCATE! Just had a phrase run through my head "Acolyte Advocate" — "Advocate Acolyte" — "Advocacy Acolyte" — hummm

I may write more today PEACE OUT(I just love saying that — bottom line, it's just way too cool)




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