Dear O and R,

I will describe R as a pityful fool and O as a dumb fool.

Everytime things don't go your way, you get upset. Everytime you feel like it is your fault (especially when things can be your fault), you get upset (which is understandable.. will explain further later). When me and O say "No, I want to do this", you get upset because you don't like to travel alone.

And everytime that you are upset, O is with you. Everytime I say something jokingly or honestly (without intentionally hurting you) and you get upset then O tells me she will kill me.

Yesterday after college, I was tired from our final project. I wanted to go home and relax since it was the last college day of the week. I was tired to a point where I would fall asleep on the floor and not care about the world. I was preparing to walk to my bus stop and take the 123 bus. However, since O goes the same way as I do, she comes along with me and you have to go your way alone. Now this should be the end, but it's not. You decided beg me and O to go with you. I said "No I want to take my bus home" and O said "If she goes I'll go too." Then you decided to beg O even more and pulled a I'm-about-to-get-upset face. I didn't care. I didn't care at all! Since you've always pulled that face before! Then O chose to go with you… out of pity. For me, no. I didn't want to go. But both of you dragged me onto the bus. It was not the 123 bus, it was the bus that takes us to the mall. Now at that point I thought… Okay fine, I'll take another bus home, you idiots done this to me before so I will restrain myself from getting upset and angry. So I went along with you. Smiling like an idiot so that you idiots don't suspect that I'm upset about this otherwise you will be bothering me with "Whats wrong? whats wrong? whats wrong? whats wrong?………………………." so I thought okay I'll just follow them like a dog again. So we arrived at bus station, waiting for the 230 (which is the bus that can take me to another place and I can take the 123 from there). The 230 came… and then.. all of a sudden… you went "Awwwww…. Can we go to the mall?" in a pityful way. Then O dragged me across the road to the mall. We've been in the mall for like 1-2hr's and through that time, I've been trying to control my temper. I felt like I was about to lose it. But I controlled it by kicking my feet and just staying silent.

Finally, when we went back to the station, I was so glad the 230 came quickly because if I stayed any minute longer I will kill someone. So the bus went to the place but since it was too dark out, I chose to take 318 because taking the 123 will be dangerous at the time. I waited 15mins for that bus to come, it was freezing outside plus no seats. I had to comtrol my temper again. At that moment, I thought to myself, why did I follow them and became their f*cking dog?! I can't believe I went.

Next time when this is about to happen again. I will definately show how much I don't give a sh*t about both you. You better not start trying to win over me because you don't who I am and you never will.

Speaking about "who I am", I don't care R was suicidal. Is that the reason why you listen to her? Well I don't care what you think and how you feel about her. But to me, she's nothing but a pityful fool, who can only think about herself. I can't believe I even tried to help you get together with that boy. I could have just stole him from you and let you sit in the far distance observing us.

And then you tell me she was suicidal cause she wasn't born Japanese?! Omg seriously, I was suicidal too. I was depressed when people were bullying me. But you didn't know that because I didn't tell you. But thats fine because I prefer it that you continue to make assumptions about me.


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