Hello, In an effort to be less “Emo” I have been trying to come up with some less serious ideas to share…  One of the first was to share a “conversation” that I have nearly every day when I get home.   Coming in through the front door I start with, “Honey, I’m home” Cleo and Tony, my feline companions respond as usual, meowing and twining around my ankles or using the scratching post I built.

I crouch down, one hand reaching to each of them.   Both get a pat on the head and, “Hey you guys, how was your day?”

(( It took a while when I first brought them home to “train” them to come to front door when I get home.   For more than a month I made a point everyday, as soon as I come inside to put down my things and immediately go find them and give them attention.  Now, over a year later, when I get home I don’t need to go in search for them, they are right there as I walk in, which is great!  ))

Tony is the first to start, sitting up on his rear legs, body vertical and front arms stretched up overhead waving,  ( I did not teach him to do this, he does it all on his own….)  and saying, “Meow.” Me, “Really, isn’t that what you told me earlier today…?” Trying to stay positive he says again,“Meow!”

“Okay, okay, hold on…  let me put this bag on the counter.” and less than a second later, “Meowler.”

Smiling I continue with another question, “That is not what I remember, are you sure?” “Meow.”

“But I clearly heard you ask me to buy more catnip today while I was out!”?”


“Okay, okay, how about I tell you about mine?”  They lead me into the kitchen and head straight to their food bowls which of course are empty.   Remembering how I liked to tease mom with my silly ideas, still makes me smile.  Which feels like a rarity some days.  While growing up I liked to abbreviate or as I saw it “simplifying things” so instead of writing the entire word “Empty” I would just write two letters, an M then a space followed by a T.   When mom, saw this she usually this she would reply with a sigh and, “…S, just spell the word out.

Grinning I would reply with,  “…Just read the letters out loud.’  I hear a sigh from the other room and her voice saying, “Empty”.  Smiling to myself I say silently in my head, “See, I told you it was just as good as spelling out the entire word.”


I am sending you one of my shy smiles, a hug, hope, peace and prayers – Iris

  1. elf 8 months ago

    Thank you for sharing. Made me smile.

    0 kudos
  2. nothingfancy4me 8 months ago

    You made me smile too. Thanks.

    0 kudos

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