someone shoot me. 

everytime i turn around im getting fcked! 

I filled out my tax returns and I'm claiming all the same amounts as last year and my salary hasn't changed except for going down some and now I owe over 500 dollars. I get paid a sh*t wage as is and now I get to pay the goverment more. Im crying because no matter what I do, how much I try I can't get ahead. I already have myself cut back to the point where I dont buy myself clothes…or anything for myself. i just pay my bills and the necessities…food, gas, insurance, bills, dog stuff…and now here i am … still and always struggling to make any ends meet. I am going to have to pull my money out of my savings for my trip to the UK. And thats money i've had saved for almost a year and not touched but also not been able to contribute to at all. I'll now be back at square one and I don't even know if and when i'll be able to. I'm not sure if taxes have been raised or what but why is it that the people who make hardly any money end up owing so much. My stomach is in knots and i dont even know what to do, other then choke it up and pay the money I guess. I hate money…i hate always being worried and then only having those fears confirmed. I've had to pay out so much money recently…i still owe bryan 300 for helping w/ my car…my car registration came in .. and they said i had to pay it immediatly because i'd been sent out statements but ive never recieved any. So today i had to pay my over 200 registration… and now this news…Im half tempted to crawl in a hole and die. Im sick of struggling every fckign week w/ money. It never gets easier…Im stuck in a hole. 

1 Comment
  1. lamy 15 years ago

    if you come to the uk our pound has devalued so much in the last 3 months it used to be one pound to 2 dollars now its one pound to one dollar fifty so you can do more shopping ,TAKE CARE

    0 kudos

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