Here are a few of my poems. I will be posting more and more of them. (I have 71 as of yet).


Act Two (#46)
Do you ever feel life’s just an act?
What you want is not a factor,
Every move is in the script.
Well I’m the perfect actor.
I walk through life all unsurprised
I anticipate every twist.
And when they come, they’re not real
They’re just another check off the list.
Never take anything personally
Respond just as expected.
Cry, laugh, and smile when you must.
To mix up when just would not be accepted.
Wear my mask and each day of my life
Is yet another wardrobe change.
I never feel, never grasp reality,
Why is that not thought strange?
Scene change, curtains up,
Time to start anew.
Try to fool the audience,
But please, don’t let me fool you.
See through the mask
See through to my face.
See past the thin shield
Of linen and lace.
Please try to free me
From this trap.
I don’t want the rope on the
Curtain of my life to snap.
This isn’t supposed to be my finale,
We’re still in act two.
I don’t wanna be an actor of life,
I wanna live it like you do.
June 11, 2006
Age 15



Breaking Point (#53)
Stress and tension
Bend and break me,
You don’t care.
Pull in one way,
Push the other.
Get past one pain,
Here’s another.
Choose my future,
Looking bright.
So why does nothing
Feel quite right?
Rules I just can’t
They don’t make sense.
It’s overdone.
All my wants
Are simple things.
Just a nap,
Not diamond rings.
A bit of freedom,
Just a smile.
Just an inch,
Not a mile.
But peace of mind’s
Too much to ask.
Can’t get by
Could never pass.
Heavy workload,
Too much stress.
If this is high school,
What comes next?
Trying hard
To reach perfection.
But being pulled
In all directions.
Laffy Taffy
Pull me tight.
But pull too hard,
And say goodnight.
September 07, 2006
Age 15




Deny and Conquer (#47)
We’re scared.
And what we’re scared of most
Is ourselves,
The possibility that we may
Be different from everyone else.
The hardest thing to accept
Is that WE may be
We deny our faults,
That we could be “crazy”, or “weird”.
When we finally admit to their existence,
We must analyze them,
Try to figure out what exactly is wrong,
How it might be fixed.
Once this is finished,
We must then classify them,
Into one of many categories.
Then another sub-category.
Everything is impersonalized,
We become just another case study,
Another abnormality,
Another bed in the psych ward.
Every outburst,
Every move,
Recorded in your file,
Along with every drug they pump into your system.
“Oh, you feel sad?
You can’t sleep?
There’s a tiger in the phone booth?
There’s a chemical for that,
Take this.”
Then we get dependent on medications,
To keep us “sane” enough to be “accepted”.
Eventually, we may be “better” enough
To reenter the “real” world.
But they shy away,
Because we are too real.
We make them see their own faults,
Make them doubt their own “sanity”.
Their fear of being like us,
Causes them to reject us.
They restart the cycle,
Of deny and conquer.
June 18, 2006
Age 15




If Love… (#55)
If love had a taste
It would be your kiss.
If all wishes came true
We could stay like this.
If it were my choice
I’d never go home.
I’d wake up each morning
And not be alone.
All tears would be happy
All smiles real.
No wounds would be added
All scars would heal.
If love could be captured
It would be in your eyes.
No time would be wasted
On saying goodbyes.
Your arms tight around me
I’d never feel lost.
I’d fight to stay with you
No matter the cost.
If the moment fit,
We’d dance in the rain.
And forgotten would be
All our sorrows and pain.
Your voice is the chorus,
Your words are the song.
For the music of love,
For righting all wrongs.
You alone would hold power
To keep me warm.
We’d cuddle together
And enjoy the storm.
We’d marry, be happy,
And grow old together.
We’d beat all the odds,
And never say never.
If our love were a question,
I need not guess.
If our love were a question,
I’d have to say yes.
For Joshua Scott Garlitz
October 07, 2006
Age 15

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