
I do not even know if this is the right forum for me. My son has been in a rehabilitation program since April 6. I spoke with him this past Sunday and he seemed ok, he did mention the medication he is on is not allowing him to feel anything so it's hard for him to participate in the group therapy. He promised to call call me Monday evening, I did not get a phone call, Tuesday and Wednesday fly by, still no phone call from him. Then today I get a call from one of his counselors and she is telling me he is way behind in the program. Will not participate in group, has not completed diary entries, ect… She said he does not talk much and no eye contact with anyone in the group. I let her know what he told me about the medicines he's on. She advised that she will speak with the doctor about it and possibly lower the dose or change his medication. Normally my son will talk to people, does show his feelings whether he is angry, sad, happy ect.. She said when he's playing basket ball with the guys he's rooming with he does open up and he will open up with his room mate when it's just the two of them. My son has been using heroin, opium, benzos, weed, alcholol. He's been smoking the heroin. He has been detoxing from what he was using and is now on anti-depressants, anti-physicotics and something else. I called the counselor again today and asked her to call me back and let me know what medications he's on and dosage. I think he might be having a bad reaction. The program is only 21 days long, and the counselor said she is not sure that my insurance will cover an extended stay for him. Not sure what to do. She did talk about me getting him into a housing program called the Oxford House. Input from any of you would be very much appreciated.

worried and concerned Mom.

  1. Laschinsky 10 years ago

    When you're coming off of drugs, depression is not uncommon. Mood swings, extreme highs and lows, and becoming unusally distant is also common. When someone is an addict they develop a lifestyle that is very different from normal people. The person needs to be taught how to live a normal life again. Once someone decides to sober up, they become lost and clueless on how to spend their time everyday. When I decided to get clean all I knew was hustling all day everyday and hunting down drugs. I had to teach myself how to stray away from that lifestyle and become a normal member of society. Panic attacks and anxiety came with being sober, and that made it hard to get out in the real world. That will go in time, but it's really hard to stay clean durring the first 30-45 days because of all of this. Just hang in there and try to help him find things that occupy his time, and try to lead him back into a normal life… Good luck and God bless. I couldn't imagine one of my children going through and seeing what I have. Everything will work out, just stay positive.

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  2. pcm54 10 years ago


        The suggestions given by Laschinsky are right on the money.  The depression and panic attacks of sobriety are over-whelming but reported by many people going through detox.  If your son is communicationg with people during his social time, then he is doing better than one might think at first glance.  Give him time and emcouragement.  Sometimes, the "not high" feelings of sobriety are interpreted as depression because we are used to feeling out of control and "flying".  Then we crash.  We know these feelings, but the level feelings of sobriety are new to us.  Hoepfully, you can keep him in some type of rehab or sober-living.  God bless you.

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  3. pcm54 10 years ago


        Just a note to say hello and check in with you.  I so hope you and our son are doing well.  Please let me know if you need anything.


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