well ive been struggling to deal with my panic attacks and anixety ive tried all the self help going thru therapy and got apps but it keeps saying i need support were do you find that my family dont get it just get over it is all i hear like that helps . so im here hoping there is someone else like me out there that can help me get thru be stronger or maybe just be understanding . something geez how hard is it to ask for help well for me really hard cause ive been a single mom since i was sixteen and ive had to do it all by myself which is fine but i have no friends except my kids and mom . i dont go anywere talk to just them. sounds rough right yea well if there someone out there wanting a friend and or has these issues im here !!!!!

1 Comment
  1. sleepystar 6 months ago

    I hope things will get better for you. As you get older, hopefully you’ll figure out how to deal with all the crap you’re going through. You can dm me if u wanna talk.

    0 kudos

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