This is my story.

I am currently 20, about to be 21 in December.

I drink, I smoke, I cry, I go to work, I do my school work, then I cry again.

I go through waves of depression. It started when I was 14, and, honestly, looking back on what happened, I can say that I have a pretty sad story. But, I get better and my life started to click it felt like and I had been doing so well. I wasn’t depressed all of the time and my anxiety wasn’t running my life.

And then I got into a bad situation again.

And this time I lost everything.

I lost my boyfriend. I lost my friends. I lost my motivation to go to work. I felt confused about what I wanted to do with my life. I felt confused about everything. I don\’t understand people. I don\’t know how to act anymore. I hate myself most of the time.

I was doing so well and then life just threw me back down, way farther than I have been in a while.

I didn’t think this was supposed to happen once I got older…and I don\’t know why this happens at all. I’ve never been a bad person. Don’t I deserve happiness??

  1. aquazium 4 years ago

    I think sometimes we have to go through pretty rough things to make us our best selves. Sometimes that happens to me, where I’ll think I’m doing better but then EVERYTHING goes downhill and it’s all a piece of crapp. Just like life gets worse, though, life will get better. Something good is going to happen to you, I promise. maybe try to notice things you’re grateful for? You will see how blessed you are. You’re strong, you’re brave, you’re here for a reason and you will find that reason!

    1 kudos
  2. jason01 4 years ago

    I hope with all of the bad and unfortunate things that has happened in your life so far, things can really turn around for you and get better. I hope you don’t think this is the end of your story or things won’t get better because trust me they will. It might just take time, but you must be willing to also to work at it. Just stay strong and keep going, but if you ever need people to fall back on, don’t worry we got you!

    1 kudos

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