I came to the city with my friend last Friday for her grandson's 5th birthday party on Saturday, planning to return on Sunday.
And am still here!!!
Her daughter's husband is in the navy and away at sea and with two kids under 5 she really appreciates the company and help after work etc. I enjoy being here, get on well with Mum and love spending time with the little ones so for me it is a happy place to be. In a way I feel free to be me that I don't when at home.
My friend also suffers from depression and is having a particularly difficult time at the moment, considering leaving her husbandand wants/needs to be away from home while she gets back on her feet. Basically she is at breaking point.
It's crucial that she gets some professional help back at home although she's proving to be particularly resistant to it, I have arranged an appointment for a counselling referral at her doctor forFriday at 5.20pm so will be home about 7pm this coming Friday instead of last Sunday.
My carer is unhappy with me (understatement)and is convinced that I planned an extended trip all along…sigh… and as always was resistant to me even coming in the first place. Tobe honest I'mfeeling a bit overwhelmed as it is, trying to support my friend and reassure her daughter that her Mum will be alright (she is witnessing some very disturbing thought patterns and actions which she hasn't seen before and is understandably worried).
My friend rang him (my carer) earlier today and in her words "had a go at him" over her perception of his behaviour towards me since I've been awayand his attitude towards her (she is very volatile – both angry and sad)so I am a bit concerned about my reception from him when I do return.
Fortunately I had my first appointment with the new psychologist last Thursday and am feeling stronger about my own situation, mental health and capacity to moveforward into a positive future.
Still it is a struggle but a worth while one!
Fight the good fight sister!
Well done. ;0)