I have the migraine from hell right now, building up for days now.  I think I’m going to have to resort to the codeine migraine tablets that render me confused for two days, because anything is better than this pounding pain.[br][br]Did I have something to say?  I can’t remember now.  Really I just want to pass some time until I get to leave the office for the day, because I just can’t handle this pain.  I’m seeing black squiggles and spots in the air.  Not to mention my stomach hurts now, from it, too.  It’s reached that stage.[br][br]I feel so fat.  I know I’m not, but I did gain a bit of weight last month through being so stressed that I just ate junk.  Now I’m attempting my formerly healthy lifestyle again in a bid to get back into shape at least just a little, in time for the wedding.  We’ll see how that goes.  I ate a mountain of fruit today, with just a touch of emmental cheese, and a glass of lemonade – it was beautiful.  Then it’s some wholemeal bread with olive oil spread and vegetable soup for dinner tonight, I think.[br][br]I’ve been in such an inspired writing mood the last few days!  I just wish my head would stop throbbing long enough for me to get the words out, because I can barely think right now.  I’m starting to combine my passions in the writing, now – quantum physics meets philosophy meets psychiatry meets sci-fi/fantasy meets Margaret Atwood.  Hm…I’ll need a catchier genre name, I’m sure.  It’s interesting, though, to see the direction I’m taking.  I have a habit of thinking, ‘How will I ever progress?  When will it change?’ and then one day I look at my work and see the change there and it serves as a reminder that things will keep changing, and never mind getting stressed that maybe I’ll never be a genius at my occupation – it could very well happen without me even noticing it.

  1. JenCat 16 years ago


    Hi ! I feel your pain. I have a bad headache myself right now. I just have over the counter stuff to take for the pain. Have you ever tried holding ice on your head where it hurts ? I know it may sound strange, but it helps me sometimes. It like numbs the pain for a min. and any relief is better than nothing. Hang in there and I hope you feel better soon. Jen

    0 kudos
  2. niki 16 years ago

    I hope your head feels better soon!

    0 kudos
  3. rq5738 16 years ago

     Me, too… this is day 2 of migraine for me.  Tends to happen every month.  I’ve done pretty well with fighting it back with 4 ibuprofen every 6 hrs.  Had to like down tonight, but at least no vomiting.

    Hope you’re feeling better!


    0 kudos
  4. mirandacaffy 16 years ago

    i know what u mean about codien pills. im on benzo codien pill for my migrains in fact im on it right now so sorry for the messed up typing. i know what u mean about them making u feel messed up. lol. i hate it. i cant even think right now.

    0 kudos

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