Unload that Camel:

Jesus said that it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle
than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 19:24, Mark 10:25,
Luke 18:25).
Those who understand the spiritual idea know that Jesus did not bother with the
question of how much worldly goods a man had or had not- what interested him was
a man's mental attitude toward them and toward life in general.

If you are relying upon anything except a sense of the Presence of God, you are
a fool in the Bible meaning of the word. If you are relying upon your own
money, or your position, or your friends, or your human knowledge, or your own
smartness, you are a fool, because these things will betray you sooner or later.
Knowledge, property, friends, position, are all well in their way, as long as
you see to it that you possess them, and that they do not possess you; but if
you want the Kingdom of God, you must be prepared to withdraw your faith from
them and put it where it belongs.
The simile used by Jesus was a graphic one for his listeners. In those days
every important city was surrounded by a wall for defense. There would be a
large gate in the wall and this would be closed at sunset and placed under an
armed guard during the night, in case of sudden attack. There was usually,
however, a low wicket gate set in the big door so that approved travelers could
go in and out at any time. This low gate was known as the needle's eye. When a
laden camel arrived after sunset the only way it could get in was to be unloaded
of all merchandise, whereupon it would squirm on its knees through the needle's
eye and enter the city.
Unload your camel if you want to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. you do this
of course, not by getting rid of conditions in themselves, but by getting rid of
your sense of dependency on them.

Very often you will find yourself so glad to be without a lot of that
merchandise that you will never put it back.

"Seek you first the kingdom of God."
Matthew 6:33

Prayer is the Remedy:

Remember that the one thing that matters is prayer. Time sprint in prayer
is never wasted. If you do not pray, you cannot expect results.
You may say, "I do not actually pray much, but I keep my thoughts right all
day." This is self-deception of a deadly kind. If you were keeping your
thoughts right, you would find yourself giving much time to prayer. Pray
definitely for yourself every or you will get nowhere.

If you are fearful, or worried, or tired, or discouraged or hurried, or
disappointed, or in pain, God is your sure remedy–so pray.
If you will pray faithfully and regularly and try to live up to the best
that you know, it is only a question of time before all troubles, all doubts and
fears, all sad memories, all mistakes, will fade away forever, and perfect peace
and joy will come into your life.

Emmet Fox, Find and use your inner power.

Bible verses:

Those who wait on the LORD

Shall renew their strength;

They shall mount up with wings like eagles,

They shall run and not be weary,

They shall walk and not faint.

Isaiah 40:31

Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

Jon 14:27

1 Comment
  1. sleepygirl 13 years ago

    Been unloadin that camel alot lately. Lettin go can be hard, but there is so many blessings that God replaces that old junk with. Good Blog, thanks for the good read. 😀 God Bless!

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