I said good bye to my on and off boyfriend of 3 years today.

I learned from this relationship to be strong and stand my ground and not be talked into dating someone I really don’t want to date or let someone move in who I really don’t want to have live with me.  He was fun and a good friend and in need of a place to live and in need of a friend after his wife told him to leave.

He was living in an expensive apartment alone in a city he hated.  I am a pleaser and he is a charmer and pushes and pushes until he gets what he wants.  He did me huge favours and how could I say no?  Anyway you learn and you learn.  With every good bye you learn.

  1. sullengirl76 5 years ago

    I’m sorry things didn’t work out for you guys, but I’m glad you stood your ground. Sometimes things just don’t work out. I’m glad that you learned to value yourself and your integrity. Keep up the great work!

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    • Author
      lecourage 4 years ago

      Thank you, I am a lot happier alone. I still have home as a friend and see that we really don’t see eye to eye but push it as there is no point. How are things with you?

      0 kudos

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