I have been wearing womens clothes in private since I was a young boy. Over the years it has become something I do when I am feeling stressed or unhappy. But over the last few years the feelings I get when I dress up have intensified. My desire to dress in feminine clothing has intensified. I am not feminine looking naturally but I do have and have always had a lot of  felt a lot of feminine feelings. I have naturally low testosterone which of course means my estrogen levels are high. I have extra breast tissue naturally probably from my hormone levels and in the right bra I have very natural looking A-Cups. Over the years I have had long, loving relationships with women but never felt comfortable talking about my true identity. A couple of times they found my secret stash of clothing but we never had an open discussion about what I was truly feeling and why I was doing it. Now I live alone and live in my home almost always dressed as a woman. I feel more than ever that I want to live my life as a woman but can’t take the first step. Adding to the confusion are my fantasies about having sex with men. I am not attracted to men at all. I can’t think of one single time but I think that having sex with a man as a women would be the pinnacle of being a woman. If I truely want to go all in on this lifestyle I feel that I would need reassignment surgery. Then I would feel comfortable living out my life as a woman. I know this is not possible without transitioning long before surgery. So I am stuck. I don’t know how to handle these stronger feelings and wonder where they are taking me.
in the past I have decided that I just couldn’t make the change. It would be too much to start everything over and I guess I didn’t want to give up my male life. So twice now I have packed everything up and threw out all my clothes shoes and jewelry. I said I’m just going to live in the body that God gave me. Over time I stared missing that one cute skirt, those colorful tights and that sexy top and the platform heels. So of course I bought new ones. And so it goes. Here I am sitting at home in my party dress with no where to go. I’m not even sure why I am writing this and worst of all posting it for all the world to see. I don’t think I can do this on my own. I’m stuck.

  1. merlosi 9 months ago

    hi jamie. i don’t know if you’re expecting a response or what, so feel free to ignore this if it overwhelms you. i’m sorry you’ve had to deal with this all of your life, and i wish things were easier for you. i don’t even know if i have any advice. i just want you to know you’re brave, you deserve happiness, and i’m glad you’re here. you’re not on your own, because i support you. i bet you look amazing in your party dress.

    0 kudos
  2. Author
    jamie1996 9 months ago

    Thank you so so very much. I actually did hope to get a response but so far you are the only one. I am thankful that you did respond and that you are so kind. You said the things i need to hear so thank you for taking the time.

    0 kudos

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