Today is the first of three days of the Dark Moon’s energy. I can already feel it. I feel peaceful hidden in the spiritual darkness. It’s not a darkness to be feared. It’s more like a womb. I’m dealing with my own dark places within. I’m slowing down, mindful. I cast a simple banishing spell this morning. I felt much lighter after it was over. I don’t throw away my candle stubs; they are beeswax so I compost them. I think it’s a nice way of transmuting negativity into something positive.

It’s a day to meditate and just sit with yourself and all your crap. Let things bubble to the surface. The bubbles will pop, and you’ll be relieved. Some people live in the midst of the Dark Night of the Soul. These three days can be like a miniature of that. You may or may not experience a similar thing. Everybody is different when it comes to the darkness.

Tomorrow I will perform a releasing ritual. I have to meditate today on what I need to release. First I will perform a Cleansing ritual, then the releasing.  And the day after tomorrow, I will focus on what my New Moon intentions will be. The New Moon, this Friday, is a busy day for me magickally. I have bay leaf wishes to burn, crystals to smoke-cleanse, an energy releasing ritual to the Four Directions, and cleansing my magickal tools with saltwater. Included in the smoke-cleansing will be my crystal earrings- I have smoky quartz and rose quartz earrings.

I pray everyone will have a blessed Dark Moon and a fruitful New Moon. Blessed Be.



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