So it's been a while since I have even been on Depression Tribe. Most of my tribe friends had given up and moved on from DT.

Anywho, so I've been through a lot of life altering things the last few months.  I left Mike. Most of the people on here don't know the things I went through with him. I was with Mike for 3 years (he's not previously written about). He basically held me captive. Not just emotionally but physically as well. When I would try to leave he would stand in my way and keep from leaving. Unplugging phones and internet. I had no where else to go, no family or friends. So I was stuck. Till I became proactive and got some good friends. I hatched a plan and left.

Mike had stolen things from people in my family. His actions hadn't had me disowned but it cost me my family. I was no longer invited to family functions. They would hide things from me. Bearly spoke to me. It had also cost me the relationship between my sister, Jenny, and I. It was a horrible time in my life. Meanwhile he was cheating on me all over the place and then emotionally black mailing me. Once I tried to leave and he threatened to commit suicide. He would use my love for him as the biggest play toy in the whole game. Mean while he just killed my soul – week by week. I had lost a lot of friends due to his acts. My friends had gone into retreat. No one would talk me out of my stupidity. Open my eyes to what was going on. I was completly blinded by the devil.

I'm happy I finally had the courage to leave. I found it inside myself.

I now have a beautiful studio apartment. I come and go as I please. My 2 cats are with me and happy as spoiled little princesses. I no longer have to fear for my safety or the safety of the people in my life. I don't have to worry about someone putting me down. Or someone hitting me, stealing from me or making me pay all the bills while he squanders his money.

I let Mike keep everything. Furniture and all. I wanted no reminders or him or the 3 years of hell I spent with him. I blocked him on everything possible, including myspace.

I look forward to starting my life over. Finding myself again. Being happy once more. Nothing is worse than being a depressed phoenix who can't bring herself up and out of the ashes.

So now it is my goal to help others. To help them become proactive and dependent. I look forward to it.

1 Comment
  1. edcuzz 16 years ago

    I'm really glad for you that you were able to get out of what sounds like a horrifying situation. I'm glad that you are happier now. I hope that you are able to mend relationships with your family and friends. Hopefully they can be support for you as rebuild your life. I wish you all the best.


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