My mood……………….I am Okay again today…………..I am still battling this darn cold it just will not go away.

What made me sad? ………Stressed?        My daughter called me and she is going to have to find somewhere else to live in 2 weeks. She has asked if her and her boyfriend can rent a room from us……………Well my husband has said no….. For one thing we have a  2 bedroom mobile home and that will be 5 people here in less than a 1000 sq feet…One bathroom………She just moved out a month ago…. ..I have cleaned her room out and bought my 5 yr old a daybed for that room and moved her toys in there and my 5 yr old will be very upset if she has to give up her room………..Then he has 2 children that come every other weekend so now we are up to 7 people then if my other daughter  decides she need to come home from her dads …..that will be 8………………….OMG I am sooooo stressed out…What should I do??……………

What made happy? ………My 5 yr old called me to her room just now to show me she made up her bed…………….How sweet????

Also I got to see Little Texas tonight at my daughters school for free………They were great and got a free meal at the mexican resturant cause I help the girl with her taxes………….

Angry? This man was on my side of the road this mourning and almost hit me. ……….Scared me to death.

Excited? It suppose to be up in the 50 and 60 this week………Warmer weather……Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!

Horse riding weather I can’t wait.

I am great ful for my girls…All 3 of them.

My wonderful husband…..He is my rock…

That I have a job and my husband has a job.

My friend on DT, Thanks for  the support guys…..

My house………..

My cats and horses.




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