Four years ago, this Friday God ended my grandma's suffering and took her home to be with Him. I phrase it that way as to try and bring comfort to myself and to try and not show God my anger, which sometimes is still present. Being in the Baptist group has been a good experience. I grew up thinking Baptists were very set in their ways and old fashioned I guess. I am being shown otherwise.
I've probably blogged about my grandma so many times, people feel like they knew her haha. Maybe to keep her memory alive and to comfort myself, I'll tell her story and how much she meant to me on her birthday and around October 4th. My grandma Jean was deaf–either at birth or shortly after she was born. She grew up with one sister and four brothers. Since she grew up around hearing people, she learned to read lips and talk. She went to a special school in Minnesota, I think at 7, much like Helen Keller who would come to the school some years later. I've done numerous reports on Helen Keller and at least one on Louis Braille. I felt close to my grandma–even if she was still here–when I did reports and papers on Helen Keller and even Louis Braille.
My grandma told me once the school she was at made the students sit on their hands, so to make them talk more than sign. I think this worked so well that this is why my grandma got mad at me for signing to her. I say "mad" in the looset sense and with a bit of humor. Even though she may have had some depression in her later years, she was still such a great example to those around her. Boy do I miss her. Maybe the reason I miss her still is because we–as her family–expected her to live another ten years because her mother passed away at ninety-five. But I'm trying to remember God has a reason for everything. Who knows, maybe God wants me to use a talent of mine and write a book on her life. I've always wanted to. I thought her life was book-worthy. But I feel I better hurry up and conduct the interviews necessary, as her friends are growing older and her family has passed, sibling wise. I did get to meet her oldest brother and middle brother before they passed away. That trip was so worth it to me. I will cherish the time I got to spend with her brothers and her extended family.
Maybe I will write more later. I really need to get going for the day. There is so much I would love to recall about my grandma both stories I have heard and what I have experienced first-hand.
Not sure how to categorize my mood, sad doesn't seem accurate at the moment. Maybe Nostalgia.


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