it's been a hard night/early morning.


first, I fucked up big time. I ate something finally (it was just a small apple and a light and fit greek yogurt- 140 cals total)


but I felt EXTREMELY guilty….and (God I haven't done this since this past July…) I purged, big time. for an hour and a half until I was sure it was gone.


and I've been exercising since to make sure I burned whatever I did absorb. I feel disgusting, my throat hurts, I had to clean up my bathroom and wash away the smell of vomit.


Last night the cutting was bad to. soaked my shirt. I'm not doing well at all. I just want to die. and at this rate maybe I will.


I can't take this anymore. I want to cry all the time but I have no tears left, everything is drained and dry.


I left the gym in tears yesterday (I was surprised I had any) but I just felt so worthless and ahuge waste of space.


ESPECIALLY, when I saw my ex-trainer (at this point) with a cilent, when she told my mom her promotion was such a big one she wasn't even in wellness anymore and was so busy she couldn't keep cilents.


Now I know she just didn't want to train me, because obviously she made time for that women she's still seeing.


it was lies, everything she told me, that I deserved 'better' or that I was her 'favorite' bullshit.


my friend, Kim, left a sweet message on my timeline on facebook, I felt special and it made me happy for a moment. but I saw then that she also posted on a few other people's fb page.


it wasn't the same message, but it took away that feeling. and led me not to believe what she said.


i'm so tired. I can't do this anymore. I don't want to be here anymore.


Nothing is worth this. Nothing.


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