So, all my life i have had dreams that always tell me things that i need to know, i always thought they god talking to me. i also write poetry that helps me and i think it's my higher power….anyways…..i had a dream last night that i lived in my old appartment and someone i actually kind of know walked up to my house to talk to me, well he walked back to the store and when he did i noticed money all over the parking lot!! i mean likei found 2 $100 and some $20's, but i remember in my dream i took it, but i felt bad like i should only have taken some of it?? then somehow give him the rest?? or just give him all of it? it was confusing, but then i woke up….and of course analyized it… i have books and i use sites online and compare them….it's interesting… and if you read the last blog i wrote it makes so much sense man…


A dream of finding money suggests that the dreamer is becoming aware of their intrinsic value to themselves and others, from a spiritual, rather than a material perspective. It can also indicate a recent success or imminent achievement in their waking life in which their self worth is visibly manifested. Often this dream indicates that the dreamer possesses special artistic or creative abilities that they are in the process of becoming aware of. Sometimes the dreamer feels guilty when they find the money which may indicate that their self esteem is currently lower than normal, and they should value themselves more than they currently do.

Dream Message
You are worth more than you think you are, and should not feel reticent about taking the chance to prove your value to yourself and others. As you become more aware of your own self worth, you will become more confident at exploring opportunities in your waking life that are to your advantage


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