The formula for happiness is reality divided by expectations, happiness occurring when the finalized answer only equals less than the reality or hard-found truths in life. You see, the thing with math is that it can find an answer, when life itself cannot. Math can give you a definite answer every single time- the amazing part is when you try to doubt your way through the calculations, you find that absolute numbers can never be wrong, never be partial.

With happiness, we could argue that when we have low expectations in life, our sense of reality improves because we are always pleasantly surprised with any outcome. As for the opposite, it could be similarly argued that with high expectations in life and with ourselves, our reality is decreased because we are being constantly, strained again and again, that we are not capable or being what we want to be. Or what others want us to be. But than I thought to myself, what if, in all possibilities, there were people who were able to cancel both forces out by defying mathematical laws? What if low expectations meant that we never expected anything good to come out of something, but thought that nothing could ever come of it? What if you took a person who failed to believe in expectations, only to take whatever hit them from reality and just accept it, without having any dreams of wishes, any goals in life?

Likewise, if you took an individual whose expectations exceeded reality, were you getting someone optimistic instead of a delusional perfectionist? Were you getting a person, amongst all the reality of the world, believing there was something greater, something better?

They say that in order for an equation to be valid, it also has to work the other way around. It has to make sense through every eye in the world, through every criticism anyone can have. You possibly couldn’t divide either expectations or reality by zero, because it wouldn’t make sense, it wouldn’t be valid. No human being cannot have either a sense of expectations or reality, because no matter how happy or depressed you are, you always have optimism, and you always have something to pull you back down when your looking too far up.

Now this is the amazing part of calculating happiness through math. When you turn the linear equations of both the relationship between reality and expectations, and vice versa into a quadratic one, you get a parabola. Now there is one exception to this entire mathematical idea. Psychologists will say that if you look closely enough, you can see that this linear equation resembles the line of your life. When you’re born, you have extremely high expectations, and extremely low senses of reality. Likewise, when you are too old to expect much more in life, you can have an extremely high sense of reality. In normal English terms, it means wisdom. With a newborn baby, its called innocence. But in mathematical terms when you look at a parabola, you only see one thing: when you are born you are vulnerable to a fault, and when you are too old, the vulnerability stays just the same, if not digging a little deeper.

When you look even closer you can see that both parabola’s starts off either low or high, peak to the opposite end where it started, and go back to its initial horizontal measure. If you look at it in terms of difficulty, you can see that life gets hard the most when you approximately when you are 35-40 years old, the peak of your life. Unfortunately, the part that can’t be explained by psychologists is that when your right in the middle, you life cant be perfect, it cant be equal. You cant have a perfect sense of reality or expectations, thus denying their entire opinions out. What you have is a place where no matter what combination of high and lows you have, life will be hard. Because its going to be that time, whether you believe it or not, that your going to have to make some choices in life. Its when you officially grow up. Its when you come in terms of the idea of life, and the idea of death. But positive is when you realise this: life before and after this will always be easier. It doesn’t mean that life before or after this is simple, it just means that the extreme peak of either reality or expectations will only occur at this age. It slowly climbs downwards right after the battle is fought.

When you inverse the quadratic formula you get something stranger, something I, myself, wasn’t able to understand just until now when I realised I should write this before I forget. Some people call it magic, and others call it inspiring. Its when the lines of your graph drop like angels from infinity, and sweep downwards like a boat swaying in deep seas. It goes either right of left, but in the case of life, it doesn’t make a difference. The importance is here: that the graph surely sweeps down, but it goes along the value of zero, getting closer and closer without ever touching it. This line of the value zero, it represents failure. And for some reason that math could only know, this function will never hit it. But from what I could understand, I called it something more than just magic or inspiration. It was something you could never lose, however close you got to failure.





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