Good mornin Tribe!!!

How did u sleep? I slept good and I'm soooo thankful. I woke up thinking, 2 more days and Matt will be home. He is 21 yrs old, and since the day he was born, I have never been this long with hearing his voice or seeing him. Its not been easy, but it hasnt been as hard as I thought it would be. One reason is I think, I know in my heart that God is taking care of him.

I have work this afternoon, but this mornin I need to do laundry and straighten up around here. Yesterday I pulled out my worship cd's and enjoyed while I was cooking. I love good worship music. It just soothes my soul.

My prayer for today is that we will see Gods love for us … I have to admit, it is very hard for me to understand why some dont believe in God. I see, feel his love everyday … I dont believe in Him cuz its what I was taught. When I was younger, I prayed … "If You are real, show me … I want to know for myself …" And He has. I am one of those ppl who have to know it for myself. I dont want to go by what other's say or do. I think it is a personal relationship, it is what u make it to be.

I never "didnt" believe in God, but I turned away from Him and thought I could handle it on my own. How wrong I was! Thankfully, He is a loving, forgiving God even when we turn away. He takes us right back. I look back over the last 13 yrs, and I can see that even when I didnt even realize it, He was right there, He never left me. Other's did, other's hurt me, used me, etc. All God did was keep his word and love me. Thinking back at how I was, it still amazes me that He would give me the time of day!!!

I've learned, I cant even walk without Him holding my hand …

I sure hope that each one of u have a day full of blessings, love and smiles …a day free of anxiety, worry and fear.

Till later …


1 Comment
  1. Chantale 12 years ago

    I feel the same way! I speak to him every night before I go to sleep and throughout the day! I can tell you stories of the signs I have received and it\'s unbelievable! Take care.

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