I don't get it. I was doing so well then today out of no where I've just burst into tears and wanted to end it all. I know I've been struggling coping with my unsupportive family and few love life issues but it's no reason to want to end my life. Just came out of nowhere and although I've stopped it still feels as though I want to cry again. I'm having many problems right now, my family are no way supportive and I keep trying although in my head I feel I should give up they clearly ain't interested, but deep down I want to change that because families should support their children and siblings in need. Why if it was my sister would my mum and dad care. I always feel left out and it doesn't help. All I've ever tried doing is fitting in, being controlled by people, trying to be someone that's part of a family. I get more attention and help/support from my god parents and my cousins than my own mother and father. Then there's this guy. Everything going fine, one night just gives up messaging me and talking to me, for no apparent reason and then getting all sorts of messages from friends calling me deluded :/ yeah that's what I need to hear right now after having a diagnosis of bipolar and struggling to cope with it 🙁 I clearly have problems and clearly am toxic and no one wants to know me, parents, boys. Just winds me up, I want to be happy, I want to feel good about myself, I want a 'normal' life with no complications and people to like me. This life just sucks but I don't want it to end, just to change, although it's others who need to be accepting of me 🙁

1 Comment
  1. harvey01 8 years ago

    \”I want to be happy, I want to feel good about myself, I want a \'normal\' life with no complications and people to like me. This life just sucks but I don\'t want it to end, just to change, although it\'s others who need to be accepting of me\”

    I understand a lot of what you are saying. To feel good about our life, to have a normal life. friends, family, lover, etc. For me I have to start by accepting and loving myself first. I don\'t really have any support in my life right now but I am my own worst enemy. We can\'t control anyone else, what they think or say. I hope this makes sense, I\'m kind of babbling right now.

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