It’s summer time and college students are home for vacation and teenagers are finished with school. According to the...
Rising Into Fall
AlexSophia88, , Anxiety, Depression, OCD, Anxiety, Career, Child, Domestic Abuse, Hoarding, OCD, PTSD, Relationships, 2Well I’d like to update with the fact I’ve moved back to my old roommate’s apartment. I couldn’t take...
Bang, bang, ‘Murica
AlexSophia88, , Uncategorized, Anxiety, Borderline Personality Disorder, Codependency, Domestic Abuse, Lesbian, Gay, LGBTQ, Medication, Personality Disorder, PTSD, 0I like being insulated from the loud popping noises of the fireworks tonight. I’m in my art town’s coffee...
Just another failed attempt
ChelseaH, , Addiction, Anxiety, Depression, LGBT, Teens, Addiction, Domestic Abuse, Medication, Sleep Disorders, Suicide, 7First I want to say I’m sorry for anyone who reads this and gets upset, I’m just trying to...
It’s just past 8am and I’m already irritated
Mz_Unda_Std, , Uncategorized, Career, Child, Depression, Domestic Abuse, Questions, Relationships, 0I’ve actually been irritated since yesterday. I was talking to one of my friends who checks up on me...
Not Much Time
elf, , Depression, Anger, Child, Domestic Abuse, Religion, Therapist, 1I have been away from DT as I went to my mother's and stayed over a week. I never...
Why does this keep happening
Mz_Unda_Std, , Depression, Child, Domestic Abuse, Relationships, Self Esteem, 1Dislaimer: has very mild content that may be offensive to some people. I just had to vent.I was in...
I can’t…
AlexSophia88, , Anxiety, Child, Domestic Abuse, Grief, Lesbian, Gay, LGBTQ, Religion, Sexual Abuse, 0I can’t with all the people who don’t understand why their “faith-based” bigotry isn’t bigotry at all. I couldn’t...
Top Reasons That Led to Opioid Epidemic � The Biggest Health Crisis of Recent Times
Sampeter, , Addiction, Addiction, Chronic Pain, Domestic Abuse, Medication, Social Anxiety, Stress, 1In 1996 The American Pain Society declared pain the fifth vital sign, and the pain measurement became a part...
My Little Secret
MCB5, , Depression, Anxiety, Career, Depression, Domestic Abuse, Lesbian, Gay, LGBTQ, Obesity, Relationships, Suicide, 3Depression is a hard concept to grasp, is it an emotion? a feeling? or a combination of the both?...