Today has been a bad day, another bad day. I don’t have good days. I thought I had a...
The last 8 days
Eryn Makenna, , OCD, Anxiety, Medication, OCD, Therapy, 2Well, I got back from a mental health facility today after being there 8 days for my OCD. While...
Day 1
kianna1116, , Anxiety, Depression, Teens, Anxiety, Career, Medication, 0I’m hoping that by writing these blogs, I can develop some sort of understanding as to what it is...
This is where I am right now.
lacunaem, , Anxiety, Depression, Anxiety, Depression, Eating Disorder, Medication, Sleep Disorders, 0Some day, I may write my entire “story” as to how I got here. I may confess the good,...
The Army Of Wellness
ssanjana87, , Anxiety, Depression, Wellness Tips, Anger, Anxiety, Depression, Medication, PTSD, Self Esteem, 0So to my lovelies out there who are on their mental health journey I hope you are all doing...
bad days, bad nights.
Devvers, , Anxiety, Depression, LGBT, Depression, Lesbian, Gay, LGBTQ, Medication, Suicide, Therapy, 1Im 13 and I live in Utah. For all that know, Utah is a very religious state. This is...
Is moderation really possible?
Kath196, , Addiction, Addiction, Anger, Anxiety, Depression, Medication, Suicide, Therapist, 2I keep wondering if moderation of alcohol consumption is even possible. You look it up online and, like everything...
After many months … depression has returned
Homieggg89, , Anxiety, Depression, Career, Depression, Medication, Therapist, 3Hello to anyone who reads this, its been about 6 months almost since I last wrote a blog...
Am I punishing myself?
Kath196, , Addiction, Addiction, Domestic Abuse, Medication, PTSD, Relationships, Therapy, 1I’ve been using different substances on and off since I was a teenager. I grew up in an abusive...
Steph9988, , Anxiety, Depression, Anxiety, Depression, Medication, Stress, 0I come from a family where psychological pain is not a real subject. But i don’t know how is...